International Doctorate in
Structural Biology


PhD students who are planning to travel, both in Italy or abroad, with the agreement to his/her tutor, must submit the request of authorization to travel to the Director of the Department of Chemistry. The authorization must be submitted - at least 7 days before the departure - through the online procedure at the following link:

For periods longer than 6 months, the authorization should be provided by the Board of the Teachers, and thus it must requested with adequate advance notice.


For research periods abroad in institutes, centres, research laboratories (not for conferences or schools) a PhD Mobility Agreement is mandatory.


In order to request the increase of your scholarship for periods abroad, PhD students must follow the instructions and fill the forms under the heading SOGGIORNI ALL'ESTERO before their departure. Failure to request prior authorization for travelling abroad implies that no increase of the scholarship can be granted. Before leaving, the AUTORIZZAZIONE SOGGIORNO ESTERO form must be submitted. Subsequently, in a single solution or periodically, the CONFERMA SOGGIORNO ESTERO form must be submitted.

Properly signed forms must be delivered to the Administrative Reference for the Doctorate at the Department of Chemistry, Dr. Roberto Di Camillo, who will collect the signature of the Director of the Department.




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