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Horizon 2020

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Horizon 2020 is the programme of the European Commission for Research and Innovation and represents the main tool for implementing the Europe 2020 political strategy. The programme integrates in a single frame the funding assigned in the past by the VII Framework Programme, by the Framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation (CIP) and by the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT).

Guide to the programme

Legal basis

The Europe 2020 political strategy, which aims to transform the European Union into an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive economy capable of promoting growth for all, is at the basis of the Horizon 2020 programme. The legal basis of the European Union's research and technological development policy is described in Title XIX of the consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.


The programme supports the EU in global challenges by providing researchers and innovators with the tools necessary for the realization of their projects and ideas and covering the entire research chain, from the frontier one, to technological development, to the demonstration and exploitation of results, up to innovation, which permeates the entire programme.

Structure and programme actions

The structure of Horizon 2020 revolves around three pillars:

The programme also includes five cross-cutting actions:

  • Spreading excellence and widening participation
  • Science with and for society
  • Non-nuclear direct actions of the JRC
  • European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
  • Euratom

Duration and budget

The Horizon 2020 programme entered into force on January 1, 2014 and will end on 31 December 2020.
The overall budget of the programme amounts to € 77,028 million.

How to participate

Participant Identification Code (PIC)

To participate in a call for proposals under Horizon 2020, the participating organization must be registered in the Participant Portal and in possession of the PIC (Participant Identification Code). The PIC for the University of Florence is 999895789.

Useful documents and forms

The call participation forms issued under the specific Horizon 2020 programmes are different and must be downloaded directly from the page of the chosen topic.

Conditions for participation

The calls issued in the context of the various actions and the individual topics within them present specific participation requirements that must be carefully considered before starting the preparation of their project proposals.


UP Ricerca europea e internazionale | ricercaue(AT)
Liana Massagni