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Second Cycle Degrees (LM)


Those who have a first cycle university diploma or another qualification obtained abroad recognized as valid can enrol in any secod cycle degree programme. 
To be admitted to an unrestrictred second cycle degree programme, students must have specific curricular requirements and adequate personal preparation, therefore they must submit an application for evaluation to obtain the authorisation that will allow them to enrol in the chosen programme.

How to submit the application for evaluation to obtain admission clearance

Students who intend to enrol in the first year of a Second Cycle degree programme in order to obtain admission clearance ("nulla osta") must submit the application for curriculum evaluation (watch the video):

The application can also be submitted before obtaining the First Cycle degree, provided that you have already acquired all the credits required by the study plan (excluding those of the final exam) and in compliance with the deadline for enrolment. The teaching structure examines the application for evaluation and deliberates within 30 days of its submission on eligibility for the Second Cycle degree programme, issuing the clearance ("nulla osta").

If in possession of an academic qualification obtained abroad:
exclusively through the DreamApply portal, within the terms published on the platform itself. Applicants who have not yet obtained their first cycle degree will not be considered.

After the evaluation of the application by the teaching structure:
Only students who have obtained the clearance ("nulla osta") can apply for enrolment in the requested Second Cycle degree. Students who have to fill the educational debts (debiti formativi) communicated by the teaching structure cannot enrol without having acquired the necessary credits, through enrolment in single subjects or other procedures indicated in the Regulations of the programme.

After acquiring the credits, the student must resubmit the application for evaluation:
If the academic qualification is Italian, in the same way as the first request (through the online services Menu path -> ssegreteria -> nulla osta laurea magistrale), it will be possible to register for the "recovery competition"("concorso di recupero") intended for those who have paid the debt.
If the academic qualification submitted is foreign, directly to the International Desk

How to submit the enrolment application

To submit the application for enrolment in degree programmes with restricted access, students must follow the instructions and deadlines set out in the calls for admission of the degree programmes with restricted access at national level and the degree programmes with restricted access at local level. 

Enrolment in the years following the first is possible only if there are places available (see transfers) and if you meet the requirements indicated in the call for admission.

To submit the application for enrolment in unrestricted degree programmes, the student, after registering on Online Student Services, must complete the online application.

The online system, at the end of the data registration, allows you to print the enrolment fee slip (payable via MAV or PagoPA) which must be paid by the deadline (see section relating to fees and charges)

Students who have won a Ministry of Foreign Affairs MAE scholarship, detained or who want to request exemption for sporting merits of particular national and international competitive importance, after enrolment, before paying the fee, must apply for exemption to the Student Secretariat with the MOD form. IS_05 (available on forms), so as to have the fee reduced.

It is possible to fill in the enrolment application online or pay the fee generated by the system even after the deadline, paying an additional administrative fee of 100 euros.

The system assigns the student the identification number ("numero di matricola") and the institutional e-mail address (with the domain) which must be used to communicate with the University and consulted regularly. 

For those in possession of a foreign admission permit (whatever their nationality), they must communicate the conclusion of the online enrolment procedure to the competent office:

Continue studying in Florence

Students enroled in a first cycle degree programme at the University of Florence who intend to continue their studies in a second cycle degree programme:

  • If you obtain admission qualification by the enrolment deadline in the second cycle degree, you do not have to renew your enrolment in the first cycle programme and may, after obtaining the authorisation, proceed with online enrolment. If you have paid for the renewal of your enrolment on the first cycle programme, you can ask the Student Office to use this payment for enrolment in the second cycle degree programme;
  • if you obtain your admission qualification between November and April - you can pay the first instalment of the university fees by November which, after obtaining the degree, will be considered valid as a registration fee for the second cycle degree. 
    In addition, he must submit the ISEE and request exemptions within the deadlines indicated in the deadline calendar. The ISEE value and the exemptions requested on the first cycle programme will be transferred to the new second cycle degree. In this case, the student must submit the enrolment application by email (form IM_03 available on the forms page) and the clearance ("nulla osta") to the Student Office, within 15 days of graduation and no later than the deadline;
  • if you do not obtain the degree by the last session of the academic year, the first instalment of the tuition fees is regularly used to renew enrolment in the first cycle degree programme and you must pay the second instalment of the tuition fees by the deadline;
  • If you obtain the degree but do not enrol in a second cycle degree programme, you are entitled to a refund of the tuition fees paid to renew enrolment in the first cycle degree programme (see section 13.7 in the Study Regulation "Rimborsi tasse - Tuition fee refunds").

Career Abbreviation

Those who have an academic qualification obtained at Italian universities, as long as it is not the qualification for access to the programme enrolment, and wish to apply for recognition in the new ounrestrictred programme must submit the application for career shortening (form AB_01 on the forms page) and attach it to the online enrolment application. 

Those who have an academic qualification obtained at foreign universities, as long as it is not the qualification for access to the programme of enrolment, can apply for its recognition in the new unrestrictred programme. After the online enrolment, you must submit the application for career shortening to the Student Office (form AB_01 available on the forms page), attaching the documents indicated.

In addition to the payment of the enrolment fee, the application for enrolment with a shortened term also includes the payment of an administrative fee of 30 euros for the management of the application and the evaluation of the career. If the career shortening is requested separately from enrolment, you must also pay the stamp duty of 16 euros in addition to the charge. 

The procedures and terms of recognition of an academic qualification obtained at Italian or foreign universities for admission to years subsequent to the first of courses with limited access are governed by the calls for admission of the degree courses with national restricted access and the degree courses with local restricted access.

Read also Enrolment in two higher education courses at the same time.