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ricerca unifi

Research represents a strategic dimension for the University of Florence and one of the priorities within the broader internationalization process.
The Unifi, especially over the last decade, has progressively established itself in the field of research - at national, European and international level - up to the top of the rankings of Italian universities in terms of the amount of funding obtained and the number of publications and research grants.

Sala Biblioteca umanistica

Projects and activities

European, international, national, and regional projects, provided by the Ministry of University and Research and indirectly managed.

Consult an overview of active research projects at the University.

Progetti e attività in sintesi


Research funding opportunities to be carried out within the University of Florence, open to researchers of any age and nationality, internal or external to the University.

National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)

Information and insights on the University's participation in the actions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)

Quality and excellence

Learn more about the Research Quality Assessment (VQR) and Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) and the Research Observatory