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Stay in Italy and practical information

Entry and residence permit

Entry procedures vary according to the applicant's nationality, country of residence, purpose of travel and length of stay.

For specific information please check the section of interest:

Before your departure for Italy we strongly suggest to consult to the respective public authorities' websites or offices for complete, official and updated information.

The tax identification number (codice fiscale) is a code to identify citizens in their dealings with the Italian Public Administration. Every Italian citizen is issued with one by default at birth, but also foreigners residing in Italy are required to have one, for example to obtain a residence permit, open a bank account, register for the National Health Service, rent an apartment, request a telephone line, etc.

The tax identification number is issued free of charge by the Italian Revenue Agency by filling out the form AA4/8.

EU/EEA citizens must show a valid passport or equivalent ID.

Non-EU / EEA citizens must have a valid passport with appropriate visa (if required) as well as a photocopy of the passport (of the pages clearly showing personal data and visa) and/or residence permit. Alternatively, the tax identification number can be requested before arrival to Italy from the Italian diplomatic authorities in the country of residence.

Foreign citizens entering Italy with a research visa will receive a certificate of attribution of the tax number at the time of the convocation to the Immigration Desk (Sportello Unico per l'Immigrazione - SUI).

Agenzia delle Entrate

Direzione Provinciale di Firenze
via Santa Caternina d'Alessandria, 23
50129 - Firenze
Telefono: (+39) 055-4787111
E-mail: dp.firenze(AT)

For foreign citizens, health care in Italy varies depending on the country of origin and the length of stay.

To open a bank account you must be eighteen years of age, be in possession of a valid identity document and the tax ID number and have not had any convictions for bankruptcy.

Foreign nationals must declare if they are living in Italy when the account is opened. Foreign nationals are qualified as residents if they have their habitual residence or domicile in Italy or are enrolled in the registry of the Municipality of residence for at least 183 days a year.

The terms and conditions relating to the bank account vary from bank to bank: in most cases a card (debit card) is issued. In some banks a small deposit of money may be required to open the account.

In any case it is advisable to contact the banks directly to acquire the necessary information, considering that each institute can offer different solutions.


Durante il soggiorno presso l'Università di Firenze i docenti, ricercatori e studenti stranieri possono usufruire delle coperture assicurative attivate dall'Ateneo.

During their stay at the University of Florence all foreign academic staff, researchers and students can take advantage of the insurance policies underwritten by the University.