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  CommunicationNewsImproving the precision of the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis


Improving the precision of the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

A multicentric international study coordinated by the University of Florence in Annals of Neurology

The main outcome of the multicentric international study coordinated by the University of Florence is an improvement of accuracy of multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis, thanks to a new methodology of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analysis that allows to distinguish with precision this pathology from the most frequent mimics of this disease, i.e. the inflammatory diseases of small cerebral arteries. The details are reported in the scientific journal Annals of Neurology.

The  study coordinated by Luca Massacesi, professor of Neurology at the Department of Neurosciences Psychology Drug Research and Child Health and director of the Department of  Neurology 2  of the University Hospital of Careggi, showed that the so-called “central vein sign”, already identified as an indicator of multiple sclerosis, allows to exclude the diagnosis of other autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) with similar clinical pictures, course and brain lesions.

Read more and watch the interview on Medium


12 March 2018
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