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HR Excellence in Research

Awarded by the EC to the University of Florence 

The University of Florence has obtained the certification Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) – Excellence in Research” from the European Commission.

The award – granted on 12 December 2018 - acknowledges the effort of the University in promoting policies for HR management that adhere to the principles stated in the European Charter for Researchers Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C), adopted by the European Commission to develop a dynamic and open European research community. 

The path that has led to the certification started in 2014 and took the shape of a letter of intents, an i ternal analysis of policies and practices and an action plan to promote the alignment with the principles outlined in the European documents, which include the freedom of research, professional responsibility, dissemination of the results, acknowledgment of the profession. 

There are fifteen universities and research institutions which have obtained the HRS4R “Excellence in Research” certification in Italy, and can now use the dedicated logo.

09 January 2019
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